Another Awkward Week [2.14.14]

Me again? What! I’m having such a prolific week. I pinky swear I won’t so much as say the words “wedding dress” one time. I mean, except there, where I had to say it to tell you I wouldn’t say it. But no more. No more, I promise!

Hey, Happy Valentines Day, you guys!!! What are you guys doing to celebrate? I’m wearing my red pants (though suspiciously no new Valentines Day socks this year, mom?!?!) and will be hosting my Second Annual  Romantic Valentine’s Day Chip & Dip Party this afternoon. This year I’m taking it to the next level, conference room style. I’m even serving champagne! I will make V-Day fun for all, so help me Anna Howard Shaw.

If any of you are feeling grinchy and anti-Valentine this morning, allow me to redirect you to my manifesto on why it’s actually not that bad and say to you: cheer up, you grouch! I love you!

Speaking of love, I’d like to sincerely thank you all for your sweet comments & notes of support for my family during this last week. You’re a beautiful bunch, you know that?! Seriously. Thank you!

And now, without further ado, why don’t we take a look back at what was keeping it awkward this week.

This Snowbank:


There’s literally nothing more boring than talking about the weather all the time, we get it, it’s cold out, but sometimes, it can not be helped. For example: this week. ENOUGH with the snow and ice and thundersnow and freezing rain and wintry mixes, Mother Nature. You’ve had your fun, let’s cut right to spring. I’m not joking around…I will hunt you down, Mother Nature, and I will hurt you.

Thanks to the horrors of this winter, the curbs and sidewalks of Brooklyn are now just buried in piles of ice and snow at all times. The other night I had a party after work, so came home pretty late. I’d worn my snow boots there and then changed into heels for the party, I’m such a classy bitch, and didn’t bother putting the boots back on to come home. I took a taxi home and was counting on door-to-door service, but forgot that the path to my door is paved in sheer ice. The taxi dropped me at the corner next to my building, I paid, exited, took one step towards my front door and yup…

bit it.

Booty on ice, legs in the air, arms flailing: bit it.

Enough, winter, enough.

I am now done complaining. Possibly.

This Cheese:



This week’s adventures in large-scale grocery purchases. I guess I didn’t learn my lesson with that oatmeal.

If you’ll recall, last weekend I had some hawt plans to gorge myself on veggie lasagna (this recipe! so good!) and gorge myself I did. I hit up the grocery store Sunday AM and had ricotta on my list, but didn’t know how much I’d need for the ‘zan (attempting to abbreviate “lasagna.” NO, Liz, no). To be safe, I decided to just buy the largest tub I could possibly find. Turns out the recipe called for just 1/6 of this puppy.

Which leaves me with a large quantity of ricotta cheese just sitting in the fridge, tempting me, calling me, begging me to just grab a large spoon and stand in front of the fridge with the door wide open, shoveling ricotta right out of the container and into my face.

And OH have I been giving into that temptation. If you guys have never experienced the joy that is ricotta cheese straight up, I urge you to run, not walk, to your neighborhood grocery store and purchase the largest container you can possibly find. You can thank me later.

And on the subject of our hawt weekend…

This Bumping Nightclub:

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Oh wait, no, that’s actually the laundromat, where Brian and I spent our Saturday night. We filled in the rest of the weekend doing our taxes, reorganizing the kitchen drawers and marathoning the epic Ken Burns masterpiece “The West.”

Um, yeah, we know how to party. This is how boring we are and we’re not even married yet! I’m so nervous (slash EXCITED!) for our future, where we just stay in every weekend and watch television and eat  noodles!!!!

And quickly on the topic of Ken Burns, basically his entire oeuvre is now available on Netflix, so if you, too, are a huge loser with many hours to fill ingesting thoroughly researched historical documentary miniseries…hop to.

This Ensemble:


Something that I love is the concept of  attractive “lounge wear.” Stores like Gap and Victoria Secret have whole lines of clothing dedicated to looking nice even while relaxing and TV and movies always show women somehow managing to look chic and cute while lazing around the home (especially Olivia Pope and her gorgeous cream colored satin wine clothes!)

I adore these outfits and aspire to some day look great even while getting my Ken Burns on but in reality…I am just not that gal.

The outfit above is a classic example of the sorts of get-ups I rock around the home. Plaids on plaids on stripes on stripes on neon and the reason my pants are so short is because I think it’s really comfy to hike my PJ bottoms all the way up so they’re basically sitting right below my boob line. It is an INSANELY sexy look. (Also what is that face?!)

And in case you’re curious what sort of spicy lingerie I’ll be changing into the second I get home this Valentines Evening…ding ding. You’re looking at it. Brian is a lucky man.

The End! What a week. Here’s wishing you a day full of hugs and smooches and candy hearts and photos of red roses captioned “Best boyfriend ever I’m such a lucky girl ❤ ❤ xoxo luv u hunny happy vday!” cluttering your facebook feed and all the chips and dips your heart could desire.

luv u hunnies happy vday!

Liz Ho

6 thoughts on “Another Awkward Week [2.14.14]

  1. Ha! EPIC!! I love your sexy ensamble. I rock it too, all the time. When not at work, my go-to is my polka dot PJ pants, with a striped sweater, a striped hoodie, and my pink robe with crazy fluffy slippers. Yep, I rock it.

  2. If there’s any ricotta left, try it on a toasted English muffin topped with honey. So delish! And ps – your posts make me laugh out loud on my commute; your wedding dress shopping experience was priceless! Best of luck to you! Looking forward to hearing more!

    • Oooh that sounds SO yummy. There IS still some ricotta left (it takes even I, the ricotta monster, a few days to polish off a 9 lb tub) so helloooo Friday breakfast! Thanks for the tip! And the kind words 🙂

  3. Pingback: Another Awkward Week [2.28.14] | One Awkward Year

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