Another Awkward New Year: 2014!

Hey y’al! Remember me? No? Understandable! It’s been about 1 million years since I last blogged (minus a few millennia which I added on for dramatic emphasis.) I barely remember how to type! Mmdfdyumme meep merp.

So Happy New Year, guys! How late is too late to wish someone a HNY? A friend of mine says Martin Luther King Day, so I’m still in the game. Related: when did it become OK to use HNY as an abbreviation? I’m going to go with never and yet, here we are.  I’m having a little trouble gearing up for the New Year. I took some much needed time off from, well, life over the holidays – no wedding planning, no writing, no house cleaning, no work, no pantswearing, basically nothing productive, at all, whatsoever and it was good. Goo-ooo-OOD. But now I’m realizing I may have decompressed a scoonch too much because I’m having some difficulty um, recompressing. Is that a real word? Sure!

Exhibit A: Our Christmas Tree


Photo taken yesterday, January 14. Maybe time to get rid of the old gal? Related…

Exhibit B: This Poinsettia


Photo also taken yesterday, January 14. Don’t worry, I pitched this. Lasted surprisingly long considering it hadn’t been watered since like, Benedict was still pope.

Exhibit C: Our Kitchen Floor


(Un)fortunately it doesn’t come out suuuper clear in this photo but this floor is just COVERED in grime. It’s disgusting. There is enough spilled food caked onto those tiles to end world hunger.

That was symbolism by the way, I wouldn’t actually feed floor food to starving people, ok. I’m not a monster!

I am also not a mopper, apparently. GROSS.

Exhibit D: Our Wedding Website

Created over a month ago and never touched again. Zero helpful information and for some strange reason, listing that our wedding day was December 6, 2013. Congratulations, us! I hope it was fun.

Not pictured: PILES of work to do at the office, PILES of dirty laundry, PILES of money not in my bank account with nothing to show for it, PILES of wine and carbs in my mouth, PILES of tissues from the cold I can’t seem to shake, PILES of me running this piles-of-stuff joke riiiiight on into the ground.

That said, I have been achieving some things. I tested out our new slow cooker. Veggie chili, in case anyone is interested, which you surely are not. I’ve been running a ton! For real this is one thing I’m proud of. And we’re through one whole season of The Sopranos which is on my 30 Before 30 List so it counts as productive and don’t you even dare try to convince me otherwise.

And that is what’s going on over here. January’s always kind of a rough month for me. I get sort of mopey and weird and blue.  I usually find a way to dig myself out come February and these past few weeks, I don’t know. I just felt like I needed to sit back and wait and let the year start on without me. I’ll catch up, I’m sure.

I chose not to make any set Resolutions for 2014 – what with the whole wedding scene (which my wedding day twin Sandra Di points out is just over 200 days away… SILENT SCREAM!) and a cool 27 items left on my 30 Before 30 List, I really don’t need to take on any more goals or responsibilities.

I mean, see Exhibits A-D up there. I think I have plenty of things to deal with on the day to day.

That said, I do have two little goals I’m trying towards this year, which I guess technically means I did make resolutions after all but whatever. Semantics. I’d like to write more (LUCKY YOU!) and take some much needed care of my self in the mental health department. Anxiety, be gone! Both of these are equally noble goals – but then I had a near Tony Soprano level panic attack (it’s not a spoiler if it’s from the pilot…and it aired like 14 years ago) the other weekend because I felt guilty and anxious that I hadn’t written in days, so I decided maybe the Write More business needed to take a little back seat (just for now!) until it came naturally.

And the lucky for everyone what came naturally was this word vomit. Go back in your cave and keep hibernating, Liz!

BASICALLY I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I’ll be back with my reguarly scheduled programming this Friday but I felt like after I’d been gone for so long I needed some kind of intro? In case everyone forgot who I was? Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is Ho (bag). H to the izzo O to the baggo, I pledge allegiance to the American flaggo.

The end shut it down FOREVER.

So happy 2014, a quadrillion years late, my sweet friends. How are you all? What’s new? How was your holiday? Any resolutions? Goals? Hopes? Dreams? DISASTERS?! Do tell. I may be in a (super) weird mood today but I’m so SO excited for this new year  – 2014 has so much in store for me. I’m getting married! And turning 30! And finishing The Sopranos! And, of course, dealing with that whole anxiety thing.

2014: The Year of Marriage, Milestones and Mental Health. Let’s do this thing!

Step One: throw out the Christmas tree.

xoxo Liz Ho

18 thoughts on “Another Awkward New Year: 2014!

  1. Welcome back! I was starting to get a little worried! Wintertime blues are hitting in Colorado too… I’m so tired of being cold and having dreary weather. But glad you’re putting the slow cooker to use!!! I need to upgrade and get one that has more settings on it because I definitely overcooked a roast the other day and that’s never good.

  2. Happy New Year! I’ve decided to set myself monthly goals, to try and form one good habit each month. January’s is to not let the colour of my bedroom carpet turn from grey to brown with shed hair (my own) before vacuuming. Unfortunately, since leaving Oz – the land of electrical sockets in the bathroom where it is actually convenient to blow dry hair – I have discovered I shed way more hair than I ever realised.

  3. It’s great to have your posts to read again! It was really cool to see your wedding website – they are not really a thing over here!

  4. We just took our Christmas tree down 3 days ago. I just never want Christmas to end! Also, it seems like more of a hassle than it’s worth. And we even have an artificial tree. That had been up since the end of November. Never ending Christmastime!

    Glad to have you back!

  5. I can relate to the anxiety thing (as you probably already know)! And even if it’s over seemingly inconsequential things like whether I’ve blogged lately or not, it still feels real! Just another reason I could never work in a profession of Major Consequences, like doctoring. Hang in there – you will find a way to make the worries manageable! And it goes without saying that the wedding will be awesome!

    And I liked the Piles joke, but I’m almost always in a weird mood, too, so maybe you shouldn’t take my word for it, lol.

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